Much to Mitchell's delight and occasional disgust, we have boldly headed into the exciting world of table food. I was optimistic that filling his tummy with cereal and fruity goodness would help him sleep through the night. Unfortunately, I cannot yet count 12 hours of straight sleep (too ambitious?) as one of his many tricks. However, Mitch rolls over like a champ, munches on his feet like no one's business, talks up a storm and laughs in the face of a screaming toddler, a barking dog and an occasionally (often is probably more accurate) frustrated Mommy.
Owen's new purpose in life is to make Mitchell laugh and mine
is to make sure that no one gets seriously injured in the
process. While Owen gets a gold star for being loving and very
enthusiastic, we still have to work on being quiet and gentle.
Regardless, hearing these two boys squeal with delight is pretty amazing.
I can't believe this little munchkin is already five months old...
Mitchell gets cuter every day!