Tuesday, September 17, 2013

How do you spell success?

Have I mentioned that Owen doesn't stop moving? His boundless energy and enthusiasm for going "out" (often very early in the morning) necessitates multiple outings a day. Rainy days make things a bit more challenging. When in doubt, coffee and a treat for my little muffin-man (the kid is seriously obsessed with muffins) always hits the spot.


On one of our recent outings we found a new library with more activities than our neighborhood library. It's been very educational for both of us. Here's Owen learning about different types of fire trucks.

He's also been exposed to new and exciting toys. Take this doll, for instance. A cross between Newt Gingrich and Janet Reno. What?!?!?

But the most exciting development happened last night at dinner. After saying the word broccoli for months he finally put the goods to his lips and took a bite. I'm not sure the green stuff made it down his throat but I'll count this as success!

Success = Broccoli


  1. Scary doll! Hilarious update:) Keep em coming!

  2. This blog post made me laugh out loud! I loved the doll comment!

  3. That doll is a relic! lol
    Glad O is warming up to the green veggies!
