Thursday, August 8, 2013

Transient Syno-what?

It's been a weird week. It all started Monday morning when we noticed that Owen wouldn't bear any weight on his right leg. Three doctor visits and two rounds of x-rays later, the doctor's think he has Transient Synovitis. Basically, a viral inflammation of the hip joints that should clear up on its own. Considering that Owen hasn't been able to enjoy the freedom he so recently discovered, he's in pretty good spirits. 

In other news, our theory that Johnny is a good guard dog has been debunked. Why, you ask? Well, our car was broken into right in our driveway and Johnny (who barks at everything) didn't make a sound. The door was left unlocked (my fault) so no windows were broken and nothing was taken. It's the best outcome possible but still, the whole situation is creepy.

Needless to say, we're all looking forward to a little R&R with the Bleeden's in Bar Harbor, Maine. We leave this weekend for an entire week - Yeah! Pictures to follow but in the meantime here's our "ailing" boy and his very patient dog.

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