Friday, June 21, 2013

Chasing Rainbows & Kissing Frogs


You know the saying, you have to kiss a few frogs before you learn to walk? Well that's certainly the case for our little love bug. Instead of walking, Owen has been focusing all of his energy on learning to communicate with the world. And communicate he does, with panache! As it turns out, the kid has flair. Case in point. Who knew that cantaloupe could be so disgusting?

Owen's vocabulary is exploding. I nearly fell off my chair recently when out of the blue he said, "BUS," and correctly pointed at a bus driving down the street. In fact he is so smitten with buses that he blows them (and trucks and random dogs and strangers) double kisses. Last week he said, "bye, bus." His first sentence. Or shall I say, "sentence."

Some other new words are birds, bubbles, snack, banana (or 'nana which is also the name of his beloved cousin who came to visit), Dada (much to Steve's delight Owen no longer calls him Mama) and Bubbe, the very interesting lady who talks to him on FaceTime. Being a newcomer to child rearing, watching Owen develop is just so amazing that I can almost forget about the times that I'm annoyed, frustrated and exhausted. 

Here are a few more cute pictures of Owen at the park. Yeah Summer!

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