Here is Owen and his best buddy. Johnny, as you're probably aware, has secured his place as the black sheep of the Linker family. The dog has a quirky personality but in his defense, he has to endure constant torment from both Owen and Sydney (the cat). We're teaching Owen to "pat" Johnny and "be nice" but Owen prefers to pull his tail use his body as leverage to stand. Sydney, on the other hand, hides behind the ottoman or under the table to pounce on Johnny. Lately Johnny has taken to barking for an escort to walk past the cat. I am not kidding.
Regardless, we talk about dogs a lot. Usually we're talking to our dog, "Come on Johnny," or "Johnny, NO" or "Bye bye Johnny," but we also discuss dogs in a literally context. In fact, Owen's favorite book, Moo, Baa, La La La points out that dogs can say "Ruff, Ruff, Ruff" and "Bow Wow Wow." For the record, Johnny says "Bow Wow Wow." Check it out!
That was very good, Owen. Love to see you walking and talking. Bow Wow Wow! xoxo, Auntie Amy