Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principle one was that they escaped teething." 
- Mark Twain 

Owen has been a grump lately. A big grump. We came up with plenty of theories to explain this sudden and extreme case of the grumps. I have to admit I was worried that it was just part of his personality. What happened to my sweet and smiley baby? It all made sense one morning, mid-scream, on the changing table. A HUGE pearly white molar. How could I have missed this?

We were out of the woods for a few days and then it was straight back to the grumps. It turns out that Owen is bi-molar. The current tooth count is seven, only 13 more to go. Boy oh boy, teething has been an adventure.

It hasn't been all bad, though. We've been going on long walks, taking trips to the park and "cruising" around the ottoman. Here are a few pictures of happy Owen. Then again, what kid doesn't delight in a trip to Home Depot?

An Easter gift from Grandma B has also been a big hit with the little one. The wheels, the wheels, the whee, the whee, the wheels on the bus go round and round. I wouldn't be surprised if this toy gets lost someday.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bow Wow Wow

Here is Owen and his best buddy. Johnny, as you're probably aware, has secured his place as the black sheep of the Linker family. The dog has a quirky personality but in his defense, he has to endure constant torment from both Owen and Sydney (the cat). We're teaching Owen to "pat" Johnny and "be nice" but Owen prefers to pull his tail use his body as leverage to stand. Sydney, on the other hand, hides behind the ottoman or under the table to pounce on Johnny. Lately Johnny has taken to barking for an escort to walk past the cat. I am not kidding. 

Regardless, we talk about dogs a lot. Usually we're talking to our dog, "Come on Johnny," or "Johnny, NO" or "Bye bye Johnny," but we also discuss dogs in a literally context. In fact, Owen's favorite book, Moo, Baa, La La La points out that dogs can say "Ruff, Ruff, Ruff" and "Bow Wow Wow." For the record, Johnny says "Bow Wow Wow." Check it out!