Thursday, August 2, 2012

5k is the New Marathon

Here's my little couch (I mean Bumbo) potato watching the Olympics. Not even six months old, Owen is already consumed by the glowing orb, be it the TV, iPad or phone. I didn't think this would happen so quickly. I've already given up watching The Tudors, my new guilty pleasure, in Owen's presence but this latest maneuver was a wake up call to get moving.

Inspired by Team USA, more accurately some stubborn post-baby pounds, I bought a jogging stroller and downloaded a 5k training program. Today is day four, 1.5 miles. In the old days, this would have been a breeze.

Here's Steve cheering me on at mile nine of the 2008 Chicago Marathon. We look so young and... well-rested. Something to aspire to as I struggle through 5k training, my new marathon.

Thankfully, Owen makes an amicable running companion, ever willing to pound the pavement in search of that fabled runner's high. We're both exhausted after our runs but as the saying goes, a journey of 3.1 miles begins with a single step.


  1. wow, he can really twist his body to watch the tube. how yogic of Owen! I am not surprised that he is already tuned into the gadgets. I hear he likes to rock out!

  2. Go, Sarah! Pretty soon you'll be running the Boston Marathon with Owen at your side!
