Monday, August 20, 2012

The Half-time Report

The last six months have been a blur but we've come a long way since February 9th. It's hard to believe this is the same baby. Melts my heart.

Here's a serious Owen on his six month birthday. As hard as I tried, he had no interest in flashing his adorable toothless grin. But who has time for smiles when you have yet to figure out the key to forward propulsion?

Over the weekend a proud Owen found his smile as he mastered the art of sitting upright. We know that crawling will soon follow and are both excited and terrified for the transition. By the numbers, Owen weighs 18.3 pounds and is nearly 28 inches long. And despite his initial apprehension to solids, it turns out that he's a hearty eater, after all.

In the midst of all this developmental excitement, Owen has been a perfect host and tour guide of his home state. We were lucky enough to have visits from Bubbe, Grandpa Bleeden, Noel and Owen's new buddy Ben. Here are some pictures from our recent adventures.

Enjoying a dramatic reading of the classic, "Are you my Mother?"

Showing New York pride at brunch with Grandpa and Bubbe in Newport 

Visiting our new summer get away, the Breakers

Ben, Owen and Ben's Mom, Elizabeth, geared up for day trip to Cape Cod
A couple of beach bums
We'll be ending our first summer together with a trip to Chicago then it's back to the bump and grind. I start school in Boston after Labor Day. While I'm looking forward to Mom's day in the big city it's bound to be a change for us all.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

5k is the New Marathon

Here's my little couch (I mean Bumbo) potato watching the Olympics. Not even six months old, Owen is already consumed by the glowing orb, be it the TV, iPad or phone. I didn't think this would happen so quickly. I've already given up watching The Tudors, my new guilty pleasure, in Owen's presence but this latest maneuver was a wake up call to get moving.

Inspired by Team USA, more accurately some stubborn post-baby pounds, I bought a jogging stroller and downloaded a 5k training program. Today is day four, 1.5 miles. In the old days, this would have been a breeze.

Here's Steve cheering me on at mile nine of the 2008 Chicago Marathon. We look so young and... well-rested. Something to aspire to as I struggle through 5k training, my new marathon.

Thankfully, Owen makes an amicable running companion, ever willing to pound the pavement in search of that fabled runner's high. We're both exhausted after our runs but as the saying goes, a journey of 3.1 miles begins with a single step.