Monday, April 16, 2012

The Big Weigh-in

Owen turned two months on April 9th and to celebrate got three big shots in his chubby little thighs. He braved the ordeal and was described by his doctor as, "long and lean."

Sydney, our Rubenesque cat, also recently visited the doctor and was forced to face the scale. The move to Rhode Island has proven good for her physique. She lost a pound (pretty significant for a cat, I would think) and is now in the normal range of kitty BMI, barely.

Owen and Syd both weigh a whopping 12 pounds....Yeah!!!

The scale has not been as kind to Mom and Dad who both need to lose their baby weight. Unfortunately, working for the man and taking care of a newborn baby does not leave a lot of time for healthy food preparation and exercise. But, spring has sprung and we've been enjoying long, peaceful walks in the neighborhood. Walks are also usually the only time Owen will nap, making them an extra incentive for me to get moving.

By the end of the day we're all pretty much wiped out. Here's what a typical night at chez Linker looks like these days...lights out!

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