Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Old McDonalds

Owen is such a big kid. I am constantly surprised by the cute and funny things he says. I am also grateful that he loves wearing his footed "penguin jammies" (because he still looks like a baby to me) and that he mispronounces words like yellow and hospital (lello and hostable-dentist in Owen-speak). He also calls McDonalds, the fast food chain, Old McDonalds. It's pretty incredible. I do not correct him and I secretly hope he keeps this up until he is berated by his friends in middle school. I kid, I kid. 

Last weekend this big kid and I went to see the Jungle Book and then for an ice cream cone at Old McDonalds. In true Owen fashion while he liked the ice cream he was not a fan of the cone. You do you Owen, you do you.