Friday, January 22, 2016

First Snow

After last winter, the thought of snow still makes me a little sick to my stomach. But alas, the fist snow has fallen, and while it was a paltry two inches, Owen was way excited to get outside. Ear and bronchial infections be damned, these boys had fun parading around.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year

Gone are the days of champagne toasts at midnight. This year we rang in 2016 around 7pm with noisemakers and these two party animals. And if that doesn't sound like fun, the Linker crew plus a visiting Grandma were all fighting virus number two of the 2014-2015 winter season. Nothing quite says Happy New Year like gastrointestinal distress.

The end of the year was a festive, albeit snotty, flurry of activity. We had a fun Thanksgiving trip to California where we enjoyed family time and then it was back to Rhode Island to get ready for the holidays. Here are a few cute pictures.

California bound
Owen helping Grandma with her luggage
Mitch and Bubbie
Merry Christmas!
I don't know about you but my pants are tight and I'm about ready to get moving on those resolutions. Wishing everyone a healthy, happy and "skinny" 2016!