Thursday, March 27, 2014

39 Weeks

It's official, we're in full on baby waiting mode. I'm 39 weeks today with no baby to speak of and we still haven't decided on a name. We keep asking Owen what we should call the new kid and his answer varies from "pizza" to "bagel" to "Chewbacca." 

Steve and I are both excited and terrified for our family to grow from three to four. And while Owen talks about "baby brother," we know that his world is about to be turned upside down. Fingers crossed that, ultimately,  he'll be happy to have a human brother instead of a Wookie as a playmate.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Going to California

For the past few days Owen has been carrying around his backpack and boldly announcing that he's going to California.  Last night we told him that he had to say goodbye to Johnny before heading west.  Considering that Owen has taken to riding Johnny like a horse, I'm pretty sure our pup was disappointed to find out this was only a pretend trip.

Not to worry, Johnny enjoys the occasional respite from life with a toddler at doggie daycare. In fact, he's found a new best friend.  Here is Johnny and his doppelganger, Zak. The resemblance is uncanny and, oddly enough, these handsome boys are both from Chicago.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Kiss Me? Yes, Please.

In case you were curious, I spent St. Patrick's Day trying to get a picture of this kissable Irish lad. You wouldn't think that such a simple photo-op would be an all day affair but trying to get a two-year old to look at the camera and smile is a tall order. We danced, we read, we played hide and seek, we took selfies. It was exhausting!

Ironically, the best picture of the day was one of our voluptuous kitty enjoying the sunshine and her new favorite bird hunting spot. Aww...

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Party Animal

This is what happens when you eat cake for lunch and ride carousels and "roller coasters" made for wee ones. And may I remember this angelic little face when I visit him at college, see this poster hanging on the wall and I am scared to death.