Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Like This One

Turns out that the Terrible Twos are very real and they are pretty awful. I didn't know it was possible to have such strong feelings about raisins, pretzels, waffles, shoes, taking a bath, bubbles, or going for a walk. It's been a rough week.

When Owen is not in the throws of a tantrum, he really is very cute. Case in point, he just pointed to this video and said, "I like this one." Me too, Owen, me too.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wild Turkey

Not the whiskey, an actual wild turkey.  This morning Johnny and I crossed paths with three turkeys.  I don't think that any of us quite knew what to make of each other.  You're not in Queens anymore, Steve Linker! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fantasy vs. Reality

So long, cruel winter. Today we head to the Hawaiian islands where we will luxuriate in the warm sunshine and feast on tropical fruits and coconut water as we prepare to welcome the new kid into our family.

Just kidding...(insert record scratch here).

Today, we are moving. Yes, moving. As in putting all of our worldly possessions into boxes and transporting them (in a snowstorm) to a new house. And who doesn't like to move when you're a giant pregnant lady?

Here's our adorable new house. Probably the farthest thing from Hawaii but we'll take it.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Guess Who's Two?

It's hard to believe that Owen turned two on February 9th. We celebrated in somewhat spectacular fashion with Owen's birthday party...the O-lympics. Here's our Olympian showing off his gold medal and his "cheesy" smile. 

Throwing a party for adults is easy. Food. Alcohol. No problem. Throwing a party for toddlers is another story all together. Unfortunately our organized athletic events (the snowball toss, freeze dance, ski jumping, ice skating, and a medal ceremony) were all pretty much epic fails. You know the phrase herding cats? That about sums it up.

Owen and his buddies had a good time, regardless. Happy Birthday, little one! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Three relatives, three Valentine greetings but one message. Hmm, I wish someone would have warned me before it was too late!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Guess what happened this weekend?

A) We found Johnny and Sydney curled up together napping peacefully.

B) Owen said, "I love you, Mommy."

C) Owen woke up at 7:00 am and he was happy.

D) Owen cursed for the first time.

E) We three Linkers are all healthy.

Drum roll please....

A) Nope. The war of the roses between our furry friends persists. Our 13 pound cat continues to torment our 50 pound junkyard dog. Owen has taken to chasing Syd around the house so at least she's getting a taste of her own medicine.

B) Again, no. But Owen does tell his Bubbe that he loves her whenever they talk on Facetime and it's really quite sweet.

C) This is mostly true and very, very exciting. Owen did wake up this morning around 7:00 am which is like noon in pre-kid years. As for being happy, I think that crying may be his way of saying, "good morning."

D) Bingo! Honestly, I'm surprised that it hasn't happened sooner. Last night Steve called Johnny a F***** after he jumped on my belly.  Owen repeated the expletive clear as day. Oops.

E) I wish. One of us has pretty much been sick since Thanksgiving. It currently sounds like we all have SARS.