Monday, October 28, 2013

When Life Gives You Apples

Eat them. Or better yet, make pie! Look at this yummy apple pie that Steve made for me as an anni-birth-ary gift. Don't worry I didn't eat it all myself. I'm good at sharing.

Anni-birth-ary? Let me explain. Our 5th wedding anniversary is November 1st followed by my birthday on the 2nd. It seems like just yesterday that we got married. I can't believe it's already been five years. Then again, a lot has happened since them. Time flies for sure!

Back to the apples. Owen's quest for a hearty immune system continues. He had a fever on and off all weekend. By Sunday morning things seemed to be looking up for our patient and we were going stir crazy so off to the orchard we went.

Is this the face of a sick boy?
One of the nice things about Rhode Island is how quickly we're able to get to the country to do fun stuff like apple picking. The benefit of living in a small city.

Owen picked his apples off of the ground and insisted on co-mingling these bruised and rotting fruits with our fresh tree plucked apples. As soon as he put an apple in the bag we tossed it out. Bad parenting, maybe? But if ignorance really is bliss, I'm not talking.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Lil' Pumpkin

Everyone told me that Owen would get sick when he started going to day care.  Yeah, yeah, I thought, he's only going twice a week, how bad could it be? Well, he's pretty much been sick since the end of August. Our sick pumpkin had his first ear infection and has an ongoing cold and cough that he just can't seem to kick. Honestly, the lack of sleep and general crankiness has made us all pretty miserable.

The worst part (for me at least) is that despite feeling under the weather, Owen won't sit still. Doesn't he know that you're supposed to lay on the couch, nap and watch rom-coms when you're sick? It's pretty much impossible to quarantine our busy boy so last weekend we went to a local farm for some fall (err...forced) fun.

Despite feeling under the weather, Owen was a good sport. He led the way through a corn maze. We even ran into a chicken along the way. 

Watch out, toddler on the loose!

Sadly, there were no smiles for this kid. Fortunately, both he and Daddy are still pretty cute sans grin.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Count Cutie

A little Halloween preview...with help from Photoshop. Muwahaha! 

Here's the original picture. In case you're wondering, that's a "I'm watching Sesame Street" face. Serious business. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oh No....

It's finally happened. Owen has learned the word, "no." It seems to be his go-to response for pretty much any question we ask him.

Owen, are you hungry? "No."
Do you want to eat? "No."
Do you need help? "No."
Do you want to go home? "No."

You get the point.

So far it's been cute and kind of funny but I'm sure the novelty will wear off. You've got to see this video of his "no" skills on display.  Keep in mind that Owen does not love Mommy. Mention of Daddy, on the other hand, makes him smile.