Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Old McDonalds

Owen is such a big kid. I am constantly surprised by the cute and funny things he says. I am also grateful that he loves wearing his footed "penguin jammies" (because he still looks like a baby to me) and that he mispronounces words like yellow and hospital (lello and hostable-dentist in Owen-speak). He also calls McDonalds, the fast food chain, Old McDonalds. It's pretty incredible. I do not correct him and I secretly hope he keeps this up until he is berated by his friends in middle school. I kid, I kid. 

Last weekend this big kid and I went to see the Jungle Book and then for an ice cream cone at Old McDonalds. In true Owen fashion while he liked the ice cream he was not a fan of the cone. You do you Owen, you do you.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Happy Birthday Mitchell

I'm not sure where the time has gone but our sweet "baby" Mitchell turned the big 2 on April 4th. In honor of his springtime birthday Mitchell got all sorts of playthings to enjoy in the great outdoors. Unfortunately mother nature had other plans and the birthday boy has been pushing his bubble lawn mower around the house all week. On the bright side, we got the rare opportunity to play in the snow in April. 

Follow the Leader

Catching snowflakes

Mitchell Harris Linker - Age 2

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bits and Pieces

Here are some bits and pieces of our crazy funny life. Owen and Mitchell's favorite playtime activity is sitting under a blank-let (four year old vernacular). Whether they're in an underwater tanker, going on a bear hunt or playing hide-and-seek, the opportunities are seemingly endless. Luckily I was able to capture the two-headed beast during a period of relative calm - meaning Mitchell wasn't moving and Owen wasn't upset about it.

Another favorite past time is tackle. Okay, let me rephrase. I loathe tackle and don't get how that could be fun. Like, at all. I am told that this is what boys do and Mitchell would play tackle all day long if I let him. Here he is vying for precious couch space. Or maybe it's just sweet brotherly bear hug? You decide.

Check out these good listeners! The boys are learning all about t-ball at Owen's sports class and Mitchell is more than happy to hang out with the big boys.

The weather has been unseasonably warm and last weekend we were able to go for a hike in the woods. With walking sticks in hand we were "hunting" deer. However, I'm pretty sure that deer on entire Eastern seaboard heard us coming. Which leads me to Mitchell, the deer hunter.

He is nearly two and he does not stop talking. He is cute yet wildly unpredictable and has really REALLY embraced being a toddler. Oh boy. Help us.

Monday, February 15, 2016

The Interview - Part 2

It's hard to believe that Owen is already four years old! The days are long, sometimes interminable, but time has flown and it has been great fun watching Owen develop into a full fledged kid! For his third birthday I conducted an interview, which I repeated last week. Here are his answers.

1. What is your name? Owen

2. How old are you?  Three. Me, "really?" No, Four! 

3. What is your favorite thing to do? Go on airplanes
Yup! True story.

4. What do you want to be when you grow up? A witch. A nice witch.
Same answer as last year? Interesting. 

5. What is your favorite food? Yogurt raisins
Not roasted chicken with veggies? Maybe next year. 

6. Who is your best friend? Sebastian

7. Who makes you laugh? Teddy

8. What is your favorite time of day? Going to school
Perhaps this is where he receives his witch training?

9. What do you like to learn about? Listening to Mommy and Daddy
He has been "learning" a lot about this lately.

10. Where is your favorite place to go? Kidz Kastle
I'm taking this with a grain of salt because we had just been there.

11. What is your favorite book? Truck book
Book we got his for his birthday - Score! 

12. If you had one wish, what would it be? I don't know, more books?
So studious!

Bonus - Four year old questions.

14. What are you afraid of? Witches
He's scared of what he wants to become. Wonder what Freud would say about that one?

15. What are you really good at? Counting 
We count EVERYTHING but seem to always forget the numbers 13 and 16.  

Owen's fourth birthday was a big deal for us. In addition to a visit from Aunt Amy, Owen had a Star Wars birthday extravaganza with his friends. No Star Wars bash would be complete without a Storm Trooper cake - Oy Vey! Let's just say, it's good to be Owen. And it's also pretty good being Owen's Mommy :)

Blowing out the cake

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


For enduring his first haircut, Mitchell gets a gold star for bravery. I was bracing for dramatics but, with truck in hand, Mitch did not shed a single tear. What a big boy!

Here's Mitchell sporting a dapper 'do and enjoying a post-cut lollipop with his big brother.

Friday, January 22, 2016

First Snow

After last winter, the thought of snow still makes me a little sick to my stomach. But alas, the fist snow has fallen, and while it was a paltry two inches, Owen was way excited to get outside. Ear and bronchial infections be damned, these boys had fun parading around.